About Jane

I often get asked, "How did you learn to do this?" and "How did you get started doing renovations?" I all started many years ago. As a young girl I was always building things at home or at my parents' cottage. I had a combination of natural talent and keen interest and I simply liked working with my hands, hammering, sawing, fixing just about anything.

But the serious interest started in 1996 when I bought my own "fixer-upper" house. I enjoyed turning what was basically a run-down rooming house into my own home. A while later, I called the fellow I had hired to do some work for me and asked him "If I quit my job, would you hire me?" He said yes, on a trial basis. The rest is history. I did my unofficial apprenticeship with him. The on-the-job training is better than any course or book. In 2001 he was ready to scale down his business and I was ready to head out on my own. And that was the beginning of Jobs by Jane.

Before venturing into the carpentry and renovation world, I worked in both the hospitality industry and the financial world. Six years at CP hotels working both front office and the Business class floor taught me a lot about how to provide good service and follow up on requests. Four years as a financial advisor taught me that I am not a good salesperson but I definitely know the value of a dollar.

The combination of my past experience means that you get someone who will provide good service and won't waste your money. I will offer suggestions on how to improve on a job because I believe in quality over quantity. But I have also been known to talk myself out of a job if I don't think the work is necessary or if there is a quick-fix solution rather that an expensive overhaul.

I enjoy my work because of the satisfaction of creating something nice with my bare hands (or gloved hands, with the help of a few power tools). But I also enjoy seeing the satisfaction of happy clients.

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